Hello World

I am a talker, that is what I do, I talk.. I talk to kill time, I talk to vent, I talk to connect with people, simply put, I am a TALKER! I talk online, on the phone, sometimes both at the same time, heck, I would talk in my sleep. Surprisingly enough, I have yet to be accused of talking in my sleep (but that is probably because I talk enough in the day to meet my daily quota that there is no need to talk during my sleep)–

Not, only am I a talker, I also am lucky enough to actually formulate my thoughts into words that can be formally penned down. Writing has been another form of expression for me from a very young age. I have never been a devout writer or kept a daily diary, but I have been told I should. Had it not been the miles that separated two of my wonderful friends (both, whose names start with S, I do have an extraordinary affinity to the letter S, but that is left for another post), I picture them physically Bitch slapping me into writing a regular blog, so here I am writing or talking!!

I have a lot of thoughts, more thoughts per day than an average person, of that I am sure (I would need data to back up my claims). I need to become more organized and find a way to actually pen my thoughts out to the world. This is my attempt!!

I hope to start writing on a daily basis and am looking for serious feedback to hone my writing skills.

Hello World! I am here and I am ready to stir it up!!